Estes Park Yoga


My yoga practice began my freshman year of undergrad, when by chance I ended up in a semester-long Intro to Yoga Foundations course hosted by two local studio owners. To say that class changed my life is an understatement. In the winter of 2023, I found my commitment to my practice truly beginning to change. Living in the mountains of New Mexico in a town with a population of  under 30, no cell service, and no wifi access-- yoga found me once again. As I began to tune inwards to myself, it became clear that yoga was to be a part of my life as consistent and intuitive as breathing or brushing my teeth. Currently, I am in the process of receiving my 200hr YTT online and eager to learn more, commit deeper to my practice, and to share it with others. When I'm not in the studio, you can find me playing with dirt and rocks in the National Park. 
